Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for 2023.07.16
- Eric
- 0
- on Jul 21, 2023
Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for 2023.07.16
Where does Doomsday go from here?
Saturday Challenge
Sunday Challenge
Core and Differences
Main Core: 46 cards Side Core: 3 cards
Looong pictures this week.
Main | Averages | Side | Averages |
CoreCombo | 6.0 | AntiArtifact | 2.9 |
Counter | 10.1 | AntiGraveyard | 3.2 |
Creature | 0.2 | Counter | 2.3 |
Discard | 0.6 | Creature | 1.1 |
Draw | 17.3 | Discard | 0.3 |
LandsMana | 21.7 | LandsMana | 0.3 |
Tutor | 4.0 | Removal | 4.9 |
Other | 0.1 |
Main | Difference | Side | Difference |
Counters | -0.61 | Anti-Artifact | +0.47 |
Creature | +0.06 | Anti-Graveyard | -0.80 |
Discard | -0.11 | Counter | -0.13 |
Draw | +0.16 | Creature | -0.04 |
Lands/Mana | +0.41 | Discard | +0.30 |
Other | +0.10 | Lands/Mana | +0.16 |
Removal | +0.19 |
Doomsday is the most powerful deck in Vintage. (So they say, but I'm not here to argue.) So Justin, IamActuallyLvL1, decided to trim the fat and #PlayAllTheGood cards. (Note: MO deck save bug meant he registered no Demonic Consultation. This was a mistake and cost him some games. Don't forget Consultation.) This thought experiment led to Tinker Doomsday. This isn't the first time we've seen this – we can find similar lists as early as January 2021. But Justin is the face of Magic Online Vintage, so expect this deck to be played. (I'm siding Opposition Agent this weekend.)
While Justin is having success right now, I'm not sure this is the future of Doomsday. It never stuck. But the key here might be expanding what we use in flex slots. Sensei's Divining Top and Yawgmoth's Will are powerful cards. We can keep putting in a random Blue cantrip (They pitch to Force of Will, which Mox Ruby will never do...) and win off the power of Doomsday itself, or work on perfecting the deck with trial and error. Time will tell.
Don't ask me about The One Ring over Necropotence. I'll keep testing but I have no idea yet.
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Best of luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Remember: Always Be Casting Doomsday.
And thanks! I love you.