Want to play Vintage Doomsday? Here's the cards you should have in your collection or to reference when you go renting.
Last Updated: 2022.12.19
This is the 55 card "Core" for Vintage Doomsday. You can change some of the cards here, but it's advisable not to until you have a good feeling for the deck and the meta.
- Street Wraith 𝑥️ 4
- Thassa's Oracle 𝑥️ 2
- Black Lotus 𝑥️ 1
- Mox Jet 𝑥️ 1
- Mox Sapphire 𝑥️ 1
- Necropotence 𝑥️ 1
- Demonic Tutor 𝑥️ 1
- Doomsday 𝑥️ 4
- Gitaxian Probe 𝑥️ 1
- Ponder 𝑥️ 1
- Preordain 𝑥️ 4
- Time Walk 𝑥️ 1
- Ancestral Recall 𝑥️ 1
- Brainstorm 𝑥️ 1
- Dark Ritual 𝑥️ 4
- Daze 𝑥️ 1
- Demonic Consultation 𝑥️ 1
- Dig Through Time 𝑥️ 1
- Flusterstorm 𝑥️ 3
- Force of Will 𝑥️ 4
- Gush 𝑥️ 1
- Mental Misstep 𝑥️ 1
- Mystical Tutor 𝑥️ 1
- Vampiric Tutor 𝑥️ 1
- Blue Fetchlands 𝑥️ 8
- Underground Sea 𝑥️ 4
- Island 𝑥️ 1
The remaining cards are your choice. You definitely want one land, but after that fill up on counters, draw or other interaction based on what you are comfortable with and expect to face.
- Cling to Dust 𝑥️ 1
- Consider 𝑥️ 1
- Peek 𝑥️ 1
- Portent 𝑥️ 1-2
- Sleight of Hand 𝑥️ 1-2
- Thought Scour 𝑥️ 1
- Treasure Cruise 𝑥️ 1
- Flusterstorm 𝑥️ 1
- Force of Negation 𝑥️ 1
- Misdirection 𝑥️ 1
- Mystical Dispute 𝑥️ 1
Other Interaction
- Chain of Vapor 𝑥️ 1
- Duress 𝑥️ 1
- Thoughtseize 𝑥️ 1
- Blue Fetchland 𝑥️ 1
- Island 𝑥️ 1
- Watery Grave 𝑥️ 1
You're generally going to want 4-5 cards for the Shops decks, 4-5 for Bazaar decks and then filling up on interaction for the rest of the format. This is tricky, because as a combo deck we do not want to dilute our plan too much, but we have to stop them from stoping us.
- Energy Flux 𝑥️ 1-2
- Hurkyl's Recall 𝑥️ 1-2
- Null Rod 𝑥️ 1-2
- Steel Sabotage 𝑥️ 4
- Leyline of the Void 𝑥️ 4
- Pithing Needle 𝑥️ 1-4
- The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale 𝑥️ 1-2
- Monastery Mentor 𝑥️ 11
- Murktide Regent 𝑥️ 1
- Opposition Agent 𝑥️ 1-2
- Tasigur, the Golden Fang 𝑥️ 1
- Sedgemoor Witch 𝑥️ 1
- Sheoldred, the Apocolypse 𝑥️ 1
- Flusterstorm 𝑥️ 1
- Force of Negation 𝑥️ 1
- Mindbreak Trap 𝑥️ 1
- Chain of Vapor 𝑥️ 1
- Cut Down 𝑥️ 1-4
- Echoing Truth 𝑥️ 1-2
- Fatal Push 𝑥️ 1-4
- Suspend 𝑥️ 1-4
- Island 𝑥️ 1
- Library of Alexandria 𝑥️ 1
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