Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for 2023.12.03

Since there was one list last week and I didn't have the time as I was busy dealing with EWAsia data, here's that one list:

Saturday Challenge (2023.11.26)

Enrichetta - 28th Place

And here's this past weekend. We're up to four lists! People still be playing Doomsday.

Saturday Challenge

Clone9 - 3rd Place

orwiad10 - 25th Place


fivebrane - 5-0

Nihonbashi Vintage Cup

Eric Koziol - 1st

Core and Differences

Main Core: 54 cards Side Core: 0 cards


Core-Combo (6)
Thassa's Oracle

Counter (9)
Force of Will
Mental Misstep

Draw (16)
Ancestral Recall
Dig Through Time
Gitaxian Probe
Street Wraith
Time Walk

L⁣ands/Mana (20)
Black Lotus
Dark Ritual
Fetch Lands
Mox Jet
Mox Sapphire
Underground Sea

Removal (0)

Tutor (3)
Demonic Tutor
Mystical Tutor
Vampiric Tutor
Sideboard (0)

Clone9 - 3rd Place Differences

Main (6)
Force of Negation
Mindbreak Trap
Opposition Agent
Sleight of Hand
Sideboard (15)
Chain of Vapor
Cut Down
Fatal Push
Grafdigger's Cage
Leyline of the Void
Murktide Regent
Null Rod
Opposition Agent
Steel Sabotage
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

orwiad10 - 25th Place Differences

Main (6)
Chain of Vapor
Demonic Consultation
Lotus Petal
Sleight of Hand
Watery Grave
Sideboard (15)
Fatal Push
Force of Negation
Hurkyl's Recall
Leyline of the Void
Mindbreak Trap
Murktide Regent
Snuff Out
Steel Sabotage
Surgical Extraction

fivebrane - 5-0 Differences

Main (6)
Demonic Consultation
Fetch Land
Force of Negation
Lotus Petal
Sideboard (15)
Chain of Vapor
Cut Down
Dress Down
Leyline of the Void
Mindbreak Trap
Murktide Regent
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

Eric Koziol - 1st Differences

Main (6)
Demonic Consultation
Dress Down
Spell Pierce
Watery Grave
Sideboard (15)
Cut Down
Dress Down
Force of Negation
Grafdigger's Cage
Hurkyl's Recall
Null Rod
Steel Sabotage
Surgical Extraction
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

Total Differences

L⁣ands/Mana (6)
Fetch Land
Lotus Petal
Watery Grave

Counters (8)
Force of Negation
Mindbreak Trap
Spell Pierce

Draw (3)
Sleight of Hand

Discard (1)

Creatures (1)
Opposition Agent

Removal (2)
Chain of Vapor
Dress Down

Tutors (3)
Demonic Consultation
Sideboard (0)

Anti-Graveyard (16)
Grafdigger's Cage
12 Leyline of the Void
Surgical Extraction

Anti-Artifacts (13)
Hurkyl's Recall
Null Rod
Steel Sabotage

Discard (1)

Creatures (5)
Murktide Regent
Opposition Agent

Lands (2)

Counters (6)
Force of Negation
Mindbreak Trap

Removal (17)
Chain of Vapor
Cut Down
Dress Down
Fatal Push
Snuff Out
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

Main Averages Side Averages
CoreCombo 6.0
Counter 11.0 Counter 1.5
Creature 0.25 Creature 1.25
Discard 0.25 Discard 0.25
Draw 16.75
Lands/Mana 21.5 Lands/Mana 0.5
Removal 0.5 Removal 4.25
Tutor 3.75
AntiArtifact 3.25
AntiGraveyard 4.0
Main Difference Side Difference
Counter +1.40 Counter -1.10
Creature +0.25 Creature +0.05
Discard -1.55 Discard -0.35
Draw +2.75
Lands/Mana -0.50 Lands/Mana -0.10
Removal -0.90 Removal +0.65
Tutor -1.45 Tutor -0.20
Anti-Artifact +0.65
Anti-Graveyard +1.20
Other -0.80


Why wouldn't you play Demonic Consultation? It's free game wins. Opposition Agent of course can snag a win here and there – we are a Dark Ritual deck – but goodness, play Demonic Consultation.

Now I am the one screwing up sideboard data with weird, no Leyline of the Void lists. I've also not played against Bazaar since taking them out, so I'm playing with the Fates. I expect my comeuppance soon. There seems to be more incidental Doomsday-hate, as opposed to specific, at the moment. This means we can save slots. Go for the quick win. Peek at the enemy's hand and see if it's safe to go off.

It probably is.

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Best of luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Remember: Always Be Casting Doomsday.
And thanks! I love you.