Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for 2023.09.03
- Eric
- 0
- on Sep 05, 2023
It was a very rough week for Doomsday. Sadly, no good cards are on the horizon.
Saturday Challenge
Sunday Challenge
Hareruya Nipponbashi Cup
Core and Differences
Core-Combo (6) 4 Doomsday 2 Thassa's Oracle Counter (6) 1 Flusterstorm 4 Force of Will 1 Mental Misstep Draw (17) 1 Ancestral Recall 1 Brainstorm 1 Dig Through Time 1 Gitaxian Probe 1 Gush 1 Necropotence 1 Ponder 4 Preordain 4 Street Wraith 1 Time Walk 1 Treasure Cruise Lands/Mana (21) 1 Black Lotus 4 Dark Ritual 8 Fetch Lands 1 Island 1 Mox Jet 1 Mox Sapphire 4 Underground Sea 1 Watery Grave Tutor (4) 1 Demonic Consultation 1 Demonic Tutor 1 Mystical Tutor 1 Vampiric Tutor | Sideboard (2) 1 Mindbreak Trap 1 Snuff Out |
thepowernine - 29th Place Differences
Main (6) 2 Daze 3 Flusterstorm 1 Sleight of Hand | Sideboard (13) 2 Cut Down 1 Daze 2 Duress 1 Force of Negation 1 Island 2 Snuff Out 4 Steel Sabotage |
duke12 - 8th Place Differences
Main (6) 1 Dress Down 1 Duress 1 Fetch Lands 1 Force of Negation 1 Narset, Parter of Veils 1 Sleight of Hand | Sideboard (13) 1 Chain of Vapor 1 Dress Down 1 Hurkyl's Recall 4 Leyline of the Void 1 Murktide Regent 4 Subtlety 1 Surgical Extraction |
Eric Koziol - 1st Place Differences
Total Differences
Lands/Mana (1) 1 Fetch Lands Counters (10) 2 Daze 5 Flusterstorm 2 Force of Negation 1 Mystical Dispute Draw (2) 2 Sleight of Hand Discard (2) 2 Duress Removal (2) 2 Dress Down Other (1) 1 Narset, Parter of Veils | Sideboard (0) Anti-Graveyard (9) 8 Leyline of the Void 1 Surgical Extraction Anti-Artifacts (7) 1 Hurkyl's Recall 6 Steel Sabotage Discard (2) 2 Duress Creatures (4) 3 Murktide Regent 1 Opposition Agent Lands (1) 1 Island Counters (3) 1 Daze 2 Force of Negation Removal (13) 2 Chain of Vapor 2 Cut Down 2 Dress Down 2 Snuff Out 4 Subtlety 1 The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale |
Main Core: 54 cards Side Core: 2 cards
Main | Averages | Side | Averages |
CoreCombo | 6.0 | AntiArtifact | 2.33 |
Counter | 9.33 | Counter | 2.0 |
Discard | 0.67 | Discard | 0.67 |
Draw | 17.67 | AntiGraveyard | 3.0 |
LandsMana | 21.33 | LandsMana | 0.33 |
Removal | 0.67 | Removal | 5.33 |
Tutor | 4.0 | Creature | 1.33 |
Other | 0.33 |
Main | Difference | Side | Difference |
Draw | +0.83 | Anti-Artifact | +0.67 |
Tutor | -0.33 | Anti-Graveyard | -0.67 |
Lands/Mana | -0.50 | Lands/Mana | +0.33 |
Counters | +0.50 | Counter | +0.50 |
Discard | -0.17 | Discard | +0.50 |
Removal | -0.17 | Removal | -0.83 |
Other | -0.17 | Creature | -0.50 |
With Lavinia decks (12/64), Initiative (17/64), and Urza's Saga (31/64) decks being quite high, Doomsday is having some trouble. (Yes, some of those decks overlap.) Squee is quite low, so the plan of dropping Leyline of the Void for a Surgical Extraction or two and some extra removal does not seem like the worst idea right now.
But then again, you don't want to over-sideboard. So what do you do? Mull to fast hands. What do you do against Chancellor of the Annex into uncounterable Thalia and Anointed Peacekeeper, and I dunno. There is a reason I went to play paper this Sunday instead of doing the challenge. MWI is far less represented than it probably should be. So, naturally, I'm only including my win in a nine-person tournament because I'm proud of it. As I should be.
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Best of luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Remember: Always Be Casting Doomsday.
And thanks! I love you.