Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for 2025.02.23

Oh my. That's some low numbers.

Friday Challenge




Core and Differences

Main Core: 54 cards Side Core: 8 cards

Type Main Avg Side Avg
AntiArtifact 0.00 2.00
AntiGraveyard 0.00 4.00
CoreCombo 6.00 0.00
Counter 9.00 3.00
Creature 0.00 2.00
Discard 1.50 0.00
Draw 18.00 0.00
LandsMana 21.00 0.00
Removal 0.50 4.00
Tutor 4.00 0.00
Type Main Difference Side Difference
Anti-Artifact ±0 +1.10
Anti-Graveyard ±0 -0.10
Counter +0.20 -0.60
Discard +0.40 ±0
Draw -1.60 ±0
Removal +0.10 -0.40
Tutor +0.90 ±0


Rough week. Stock Up has given Lurrus PO builds a significant boost, and this has resulted in a bump in Shops of various kinds. Shops can be a real coinflip for Doomsday, and sometimes you Get Vintag'd™.
Also, people were just not playing Doomsday. So, there's not much to say when it's not the time. Funny, considering a few weeks ago it seemed like Doomsday was everywhere. Such is the cycle of Magic.

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Best of luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Remember: Always Be Casting Doomsday.
And thanks! I love you.