Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for 2023.11.19

Two lists in this forgotten weekend. (I'm the one who forgot about it.)

Saturday Challenge

sixmp - 21st Place


Estgel - 5-0

Core and Differences

Main Core: 56 cards Side Core: 8 cards


Core-Combo (6)
Thassa's Oracle

Counter (8)
Force of Negation
Force of Will
Mental Misstep

Discard (1)

Draw (16)
Ancestral Recall
Dig Through Time
Gitaxian Probe
Street Wraith
Time Walk

L⁣ands/Mana (21)
Black Lotus
Dark Ritual
Fetch Lands
Mox Jet
Mox Sapphire
Underground Sea

Tutor (4)
Demonic Consultation
Demonic Tutor
Mystical Tutor
Vampiric Tutor
Sideboard (8)
Cut Down
Leyline of the Void
Murktide Regent
Steel Sabotage
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

sixmp - 21st Place Differences

Main (4)
Mindbreak Trap
Mishra's Bauble
Sideboard (7)
Dress Down
Fatal Push
Hurkyl's Recall
Murktide Regent
Nihil Spellbomb
Opposition Agent

Estgel - 5-0 Differences

Main (4)
Dress Down
Fetch Land
Sleight of Hand
Sideboard (7)
Cut Down
Mindbreak Trap
Ray of Enfeeblement
Snuff Out
Steel Sabotage

Total Differences

L⁣ands/Mana (1)
Fetch Land

Counters (2)
Mindbreak Trap

Draw (4)
Mishra's Bauble
Sleight of Hand

Removal (1)
Dress Down
Sideboard (0)

Anti-Graveyard (1)
Nihil Spellbomb

Anti-Artifacts (3)
Hurkyl's Recall
Steel Sabotage

Creatures (2)
Murktide Regent
Opposition Agent

Counters (3)
Mindbreak Trap

Removal (5)
Cut Down
Dress Down
Fatal Push
Ray of Enfeeblement
Snuff Out

Main Averages Side Averages
CoreCombo 6.0
Counter 9.0 Counter 1.5
Discard 1.0
Draw 18.0
LandsMana 21.5
Removal 0.5 Removal 4.5
Tutor 4.0
Creature 2.0
AntiArtifact 2.5
AntiGraveyard 4.5
Main Difference Side Difference
Counter -2.20 Counter -0.50
Creature +1.20
Discard +0.60 Discard -0.80
Draw +1.00 Draw ±0
Lands/Mana +0.50 Lands/Mana -0.60
Removal +0.10 Removal -0.30
Anti-Artifact -1.10
Anti-Graveyard +2.10


Whoops. Little late. Uh, sorry? Not much really to discuss here. Doomsday isn't even being represented in the challenge. Which I think is odd since Oath is wiping up some of our harder matchups, and Oath, along with Jewel Shops, aren't difficult matchups for Doomsday. But UB (or UW) Lurrus is popular, and so is Initiative. So we must keep vigilent and play our Dark Rituals.

I see a copy of Annul, and I disapprove.

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Best of luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Remember: Always Be Casting Doomsday.
And thanks! I love you.