Vintage Doomsday Deck List Analysis for Eternal Weekend Europe 2023

Five brave souls took Doomsday into Eternal Weekend Europe 2023. This is their results.


26th - Brian_P

30th - David Martin

61st - uxicom

76th - Eric Farmer

113th - Andreas Petersen

Core and Differences

Main Core: 56 cards Side Core: 1 card


Core-Combo (6)
Thassa's Oracle

Counter (10)
Force of Will
Mental Misstep

Draw (16)
Ancestral Recall
Dig Through Time
Gitaxian Probe
Street Wraith
Time Walk

L⁣ands/Mana (20)
Black Lotus
Dark Ritual
Fetch Lands
Mox Jet
Mox Sapphire
Underground Sea
Watery Grave

Tutor (4)
Demonic Consultation
Demonic Tutor
Mystical Tutor
Vampiric Tutor
Sideboard (1)
Steel Sabotage

26th - Brian_P Differences

Main (4)
Dress Down
Fetch Land
Force of Negation
Sideboard (14)
Chain of Vapor
Dress Down
Force of Negation
Grafdigger's Cage
Hurkyl's Recall
Null Rod
Pithing Needle
Surgical Extraction
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

30th - David Martin Differences

Main (4)
Sleight of Hand
Treasure Cruise
Sideboard (14)
Cut Down
Mindbreak Trap
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
Snuff Out
Steel Sabotage

61st - uxicom Differences

Main (4)
Force of Negation
Sleight of Hand
Sideboard (14)
Cut Down
Leyline of the Void
Mindbreak Trap
Opposition Agent
Snuff Out
Steel Sabotage
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

76th - Eric Farmer Differences

Main (4)
Dress Down
Force of Negation
Sideboard (14)
Fatal Push
Force of Negation
Leyline of the Void
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
Steel Sabotage
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

113th - Andreas Petersen Differences

Main (4)
Sleight of Hand
Treasure Cruise
Sideboard (14)
Cut Down
Mindbreak Trap
Snuff Out
Steel Sabotage

Total Differences

L⁣ands/Mana (5)
Fetch Land

Counters (6)
Force of Negation

Draw (5)
Sleight of Hand
Treasure Cruise

Discard (2)

Removal (2)
Dress Down
Sideboard (0)

Anti-Graveyard (12)
Grafdigger's Cage
Leyline of the Void
Pithing Needle
Surgical Extraction

Anti-Artifacts (13)
Hurkyl's Recall
Null Rod
10 Steel Sabotage

Discard (4)

Creatures (4)
Opposition Agent
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse

Lands (3)

Counters (10)
Force of Negation
Mindbreak Trap

Removal (24)
Chain of Vapor
Cut Down
Dress Down
Fatal Push
Snuff Out
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

Main Averages Side Averages
CoreCombo 6.0
Counter 11.2 Counter 2.0
Discard 0.4 Discard 0.8
Draw 17.0
LandsMana 21.0 LandsMana 0.6
Removal 0.4 Removal 4.8
Tutor 4.0
AntiArtifact 3.6
AntiGraveyard 2.4
Creature 0.8


Save your sideboard slots. Dodge Bazaar or hope they think you have Leylines. While I still have not decided myself, I love how bold Brian_P's sideboard is. I don't love the 1 Mana artifacts. They suck when you topdeck them. Open with them, though? It beats mulling for Leylines only to draw two more off the top. I'm seduced by this. I'll have to run a league before Eternal Weekend Asia. I bet you I won't play a single Bazaar deck (and then face three back-to-back at EW). But if I drop a Grafdigger's Cage against Oath and it gives me that extra turn to win? Mwah.

Now let's talk about sex Null Rod.

Even I was on this train earlier this year. It's an interesting card in how well it helps Doomsday and how awful it is to cast. You want it turn one to stop Jewel from going nuts. Doomsday is not in the business of casting two Mana Artifacts on turn one. And yet, there are those games where it puts in work. This seems like that meta.

To further express my love for Brain_P's Sideboard, count how many copies of Mindbreak Trap are in it. I love that number. I hate the number of times I cast Trap for four mana thinking "If this were Dismiss I would at least draw a card."

Brian_P did not win the tournament. No Doomsday made it to the top 8. But the Sideboard is bold. Be bold. Play the cards you think will bring you the best record.

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Best of luck to everyone playing this weekend!
Remember: Always Be Casting Doomsday.
And thanks! I love you.